Blockchain enabled Corporate Digital Innovation Architectures with Xiaoyang Zhen and Aleksandra Komorowska
Blockchain End User Adoption And Societal Challenges with Nicole Mäkineste and Alexandros Eleftheriadis
Blockchain Organizations & Governance Mechanisms II with Zoyia Konstantopoulou and Alexandros Eleftheriadis
Blockchain Business Models with Aleksandra Komorowska and Chaouki Kouritii
Role Of Network Properties On Blockchain Diffusion Processes with Carlos Santana Cabello and Chaouki Kouritii
Differences In The Dissemination Of Digitized & Digitalized Innovation with Julia Staszczak and Chaouki Kouritii
Blockchain Ecosystems with Dr. Ard-Pieter de Man and Dr. Nina Telg
DIEM Recap-Event Highlights, Outcomes and Future Prospects in Blockchain with Dr. Brian Tjemkes and Dr. Andreas Alexiou