Knowledge Hub

Event Reports

The DIEM DCs participate in conferences and industry events on topics like blockchain, digitalization, ecosystems, and management. Here, you can find summaries of their experiences and key takeaways, showcasing how these events contribute to their research and DC journey.


Listen to insightful conversations about the future of blockchain technology

DIEM Podcast - Series 1, Part 1

Blockchain enabled Corporate Digital Innovation Architectures with Xiaoyang Zhen and Aleksandra Komorowska

DIEM Podcast - Series 1, Part 2

Blockchain End User Adoption And Societal Challenges with Nicole Mäkineste and Alexandros Eleftheriadis

DIEM Podcast - Series 1, Part 3

Blockchain Organizations & Governance Mechanisms II with Zoyia Konstantopoulou and Alexandros Eleftheriadis

DIEM Podcast - Series 1, Part 4

Blockchain Business Models with Aleksandra Komorowska and Chaouki Kouritii

DIEM Podcast - Series 1, Part 5

Role Of Network Properties On Blockchain Diffusion Processes with Carlos Santana Cabello and Chaouki Kouritii

DIEM Podcast - Series 1, Part 6

Differences In The Dissemination Of Digitized & Digitalized Innovation with Julia Staszczak and Chaouki Kouritii

DIEM Podcast - Series 1, Part 7

Blockchain Ecosystems with Dr. Ard-Pieter de Man and Dr. Nina Telg

DIEM Podcast - Series 1, Part 8

DIEM Recap-Event Highlights, Outcomes and Future Prospects in Blockchain with Dr. Brian Tjemkes and Dr. Andreas Alexiou

Industry Insight Handbook

The DIEM Industry Insight Book (2026) provides a thorough overview of blockchain technology. It covers blockchain fundamentals, offers a use-case template for practical applications, and includes developed use-cases showcasing real-world implementations. The book also features syntheses of key whitepapers and relevant content, such as deep dives into cryptography explained in layman’s terms.

High Impact Conference

The DIEM conference offers scholars and practitioners from all over the world to share insights and exchange ideas around DLT management, innovation and impact. This fosters global collaborations and deepens knowledge and usage of Blockchain within companies and for a better (business) world. The conference proceedings in the form of a (digital) booklet contain short overviews of the work presented and shared at the conference.