Name: Zoyia Konstantopoulou
Research Project: Blockchain Organizations & Governance Mechanisms II (DC-10)
Be Less Furious and More Curious:
Zoyia has learned to approach challenges with curiosity rather than frustration.
Science is About Being Less Wrong:
She understands that science is about refining ideas and being less wrong over time.
Ask for Help:
Zoyia has realized the importance of asking for help and not being afraid to ask “dumb” questions.
Fail Forward and Be Patient:
She has learned to embrace failure as a learning opportunity and to be patient with the research process.
Research is Amazing: Zoyia finds immense joy and fulfillment in the research journey.
Personal Interests
Zoyia enjoys beach volleyball, music, and being active outdoors.
Fun Fact
She is a former Cyprus National Team athlete in beach volleyball and is currently trying to get better at playing the piano.