Doctoral Candidate

Name: Evangelia Katsanevaki

Research Project: Blockchain Organizations & Governance Mechanisms I (DC-5)


Evangelia Katsanevaki is in the first year of her PhD at NTNU, focusing on blockchain technology. She is particularly interested in how blockchain can transform the public sector by adding value through digital solutions. Evangelia holds a degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics from NTUA. During her studies, she interned at AIBS as a statistician in a medical research group, where she had her first journal publication. After completing her studies, she worked as an operational manager in a Greek company while earning her MBA from TUC. This combination of academic and professional experience led her to pursue her current PhD position.

Motivation for the PhD

Evangelia’s engagement with research during her internship was a turning point for her future goals. With a background in applied mathematics, she found it natural to transition into Computer Science, a field she always aspired to enter. Pursuing a PhD in Computer Science allows her to delve deeper into this area and contribute to innovative solutions.


Evangelia was drawn to the DIEM program because it is an MSCA Horizon project focused on blockchain. The program’s emphasis on state-of-the-art technology and collaboration with researchers, academics, and industry experts provides a fresh approach to tackling contemporary issues. This aligns perfectly with her research interests and career aspirations.

Doctoral Candidate Journey & Lessons Learned

Interdisciplinary Knowledge: Evangelia has gained knowledge in multiple disciplines that differ significantly from her academic fields.

Inspiration from Peers: She has met people in positions she always admired, inspiring her to evolve.

Living Abroad: Evangelia always wanted to live alone abroad and has enjoyed meeting valuable friends from all over the world.

Personal Interests & Fun Fact

Personal Interests
Evangelia’s main passion is reading books, especially the classics. She also loves swimming, going to the movies, and the theatre. Traveling is one of her biggest desires, as she believes that to travel is to live.

Fun Fact
As a kid, Evangelia’s role model was Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie.